How can we ensure that our products are allergen-free?

How can we ensure that our products are allergen-free?

Good question.

First of all, a few months before the opening, the team was trained by Innovaltech. This organization ultimately aims to obtain HACCP and " Controlled Allergens" certification for companies that are launching into the process. For a young company like ours, certification is too expensive at the moment. Nevertheless, the training was followed and the processes are followed to the letter.

The Allergies Québec organization also greatly helps us in implementing safe procedures. We are very fortunate with the support we receive from all sides.

But what do these procedures consist of?

First of all, nothing enters the workshop that could have been in contact with allergens. Employees use dedicated clothing and shoes, equipment is washed with specific products and sterilized (no equipment leaves the bakery after installation) and ingredients are checked.

The greatest risk is in the verification of ingredients. There are three levels of verification:

1- Are the verified allergens present in the ingredient I need?

2- Are the verified allergens used in the same processing line as the ingredients I need?

3 - Are the verified allergens processed in the same building as the ingredients I need?

At Citron confit, we make sure we can answer “no” to all three levels of verification. According to our counterparts, this may be a bit drastic, but when it comes to your health, you can never be too careful.

It goes without saying that we do not accept any bags that have opened during transport.

In short, nothing enters the workshop that could possibly have been in contact with one of the 10 main allergens. The breads are packaged and sealed on site, this is our guarantee of quality.