Portuguese Tartlet - Gluten and Allergen Free Version!

Portuguese Tartlet - Gluten and Allergen Free Version!

Spring 2020. We are confined at home and we listen to the advice of Horacio Arruda, Director General of Public Health in Quebec. One day, during a press briefing, he mentioned his affection for Portuguese tarts and all of Quebec, under the charm of the friendly doctor, went wild!

So we decided to create a recipe for a vegan, gluten-free and allergen-free Portuguese tartlet. We too, despite our allergies, have the right to be in the gang of " pasteis de nata " fans.

Cooking with family!

This is a great activity to do with kids, in which you can teach them how to replace eggs in a recipe, how to color a mixture with turmeric or how to thicken a sauce with starch. Have fun... and enjoy!

Vegan Portuguese Tartlet

Makes about 10 tartlets

Ingredients :

For the shortcrust pastry:

For the coconut milk mixture you will need:

  • 200 ml of vegetable milk of your choice
  • 1/3 cup powdered sugar
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 2 teaspoons tapioca starch (or other starch)
  • 160 g coconut milk (small cans)
  • ½ teaspoon ground turmeric

Preparation :

Shortcrust pastry:

  1. Preheat oven to 350 F.
  2. In a bowl, mix the coconut oil, cane sugar and vanilla until creamy.
  3. Gradually add the flour, alternating with a little water.
  4. The dough should come together with your hands, without sticking together like regular pie dough.
  5. Using your fingers, take a portion equivalent to about 2 tablespoons of the shortbread dough and shape into silicone muffin molds (or very well-oiled metal molds).
  6. Pre-cook in the oven for about 10 minutes. While it is cooking, start preparing the coconut milk mixture.

Portuguese Tartlets - Vegan, Gluten Free & Allergen Free

Coconut milk device:

  1. In a saucepan, mix all the ingredients except the coconut milk.
  2. Bring to the boil and add the coconut milk to the mixture.
  3. Let simmer over medium heat for 3 minutes.
  4. Pour the mixture into the pre-cooked shortcrust pastry molds.
  5. Bake for 30 minutes.

Tip and trick: The starch will play its role as a thickener once the tartlets are completely cooled. It is therefore normal for the preparation to still be a little liquid.

Patience… happiness is just a few bites away!


PSThe gorgeous cutting board and serving board (it's just too pretty!) comes from the company Rabot D. bois . In addition to the pretty boards, they have lots of gorgeous accessories, including the super wooden knives for kids... perfect for budding little chefs!

cookTime ---
totalTime --- PT60M
10 tartlets
In the oven