TOP 5 activities to do during the holidays!

TOP 5 activities to do during the holidays!

Even though the holiday season is a magical time, we sometimes lack inspiration for having fun, between Christmas and New Year's parties. And even if there is no shortage of ideas for outings, we sometimes want to relax at home, but without staying cooped up all week, sitting on the sofa watching time go by.

So the team dug into their memories to offer you 5 activities to make your holiday break special and transform a quiet day at home into an unforgettable memory!

The War of the Tuques 2.0

Nothing beats a classic! Build 2 snow forts with your neighbors or split your family in two, as you feel! The construction can take several days depending on the techniques you use. On the "D" day, prepare a good quantity of snowballs and defend your fortress! No need to have a winner at the end, just have a lot of fun. When you've used up your ammo, don't forget your thermos of hot chocolate!

Cooking and decorating

If you haven't had the chance to prepare your gingerbread cookie mix received in your last order, no more excuses! Get out your best Christmas apron and put your budding bakers in charge of decorating the cookies. Even if your gingerbread men come out of the oven a little misshapen, it doesn't matter, they'll be just as good dipped in your hot chocolate.

Decorations tour

After dinner, put on your snowsuits, take out your sled, and go around the neighborhood in search of the most beautiful Christmas decorations! We rarely take the time to observe what our neighbors have taken the time to install to brighten up their home. It's a great opportunity to reconnect with our inner child and marvel at the special decorations, or to remember beautiful memories with the more classic ones.

A game as old as time, with a twist

It gets dark really early, but we still want to play outside to digest. Why not get out the headlamps and flashlights and play hide-and-seek in the dark on the field? When you're tired of hiding, poke holes in the snow and improvise a game of snow golf. It's a lot less easy than you think in the dark!

Gab's family tradition

Gab's grandfather always cooked roast beef for Christmas, and she's keeping the tradition alive! The day after Christmas, her family makes a fire outside with a grill. With the leftover roast beef, they make sandwiches that they grill on the fire. Our La brique bread is perfect for making this lunch! A great 2 for 1: outdoors and delicious food!

Whether you are in the city or in the countryside, you will certainly find simple activities to do with the family!

Do you have any other ideas or suggestions for the #CitronsConquis community? Share them on Facebook andInstagram by tagging us.