Gluten-free and allergen-free muesli soft bars for the whole family!

Gluten-free and allergen-free muesli soft bars for the whole family!

Simplify homemade snacks!

A recipe by Julie Belzil

Finding allergen-free soft bars on the market that do not contain astronomical amounts of sugar while still tasting good is an impossible mission.

Making granola bars at home is great, but you need to have a variety of seeds and flakes on hand.

For me, these soft bars are the perfect compromise. They are made from Candied Lemon muesli , which already contains buckwheat flakes, quinoa flakes as well as flax, chia and sunflower seeds. One less headache in the pantry!

Soft muesli bars hand holding a soft candied lemon muesli bar on top of other bars placed on parchment paper


(for 12 small bars)

Preparation Pyrex dish with parchment paper containing a mix for granola bars Candied lemon

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Mix muesli, coconut and cranberries in a bowl.
  3. In a food processor, place the dates, sunflower butter and water and puree until smooth.
  4. Pour the date puree over the muesli mixture and mix well.
  5. Pour into an oiled or parchment paper lined Pyrex mold. I used a 20cm x 25cm mold.
  6. If you choose to add the chocolate chips , you have two options. They can simply be incorporated into the batter before baking. You can also melt them to coat the soft bars once they are baked (that's what I did!).
  7. Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 25 to 30 minutes. Bars should be lightly browned.

Warning! The bars will be very crumbly when they come out of the oven, but once cooled, they will slice easily into 12 beautiful bars.

Stock up, they're going fast! hand holding a Candied Lemon muesli soft bar above a white plate containing the other bars

Don't hesitate to make large quantities. They can be kept in the fridge or you can freeze the leftovers. Young and old alike will love them and they will be the perfect addition to the whole family's lunches!

This simple alternative to store-bought bars is delicious and nutritious, plus it doesn't require an exorbitant list of ingredients! It's a sure bet for today's busy families' weeks.

Share your creations with us on Facebook if you try them! We look forward to hearing your feedback!

cookTime ---
totalTime --- PT40M
12 servings
In the oven