The flour mill of the ancients
La Minoterie des anciens is a flour mill located in Sainte-Anne-des-Monts in Gaspésie. If that were all it was, it would be as such. La Minoterie des Anciens is much more than a flour mill. It is a mission, a vision and values, deeply rooted in their project. After purchasing the “Terre des anciens” and starting to grow grains, the need to process them locally was felt. Focused on naturally gluten-free varieties such as buckwheat and oats (known as "rice from Gaspésie"), La Minoterie des Anciens has diversified its offering by proposing flours and starches from a wide variety of grains, always gluten-free.

Local sourcing
What could be more perfect for a gluten-free bakery located in the region? A nearby supplier, with values aligned with ours and who also respects the certification procedures on the exemption of the ten main allergens! As we switched our supplies to them, the breads evolved to arrive at the final result that you can now order online .
The key to a beneficial partnership
But the strength of our partnership is more important than that of a supplier with its customer. By using their flours, we highlight our terroir and its know-how. In addition, our two companies being on a human scale, we maintain and cherish a privileged bond that allows us to grow and improve together.
When the stars align.
Some time ago, I was watching a documentary about a chef in New York State (US). This Michelin-starred restaurant had the particularity of growing the vegetables that it served to its customers in the garden behind the restaurant. I couldn't help myself, I said to myself, it would be so wonderful if in addition to being able to offer quality and delicious breads , we could grow and transform the grain that we use. Thanks to the mill of the elders, it is one more step towards this dream that is taking shape.
So, we are honored to extend this partnership by joining forces with the three Expo Manger Santé, in Montreal, Quebec and Sherbrooke, and offering a unique booth: from the earth to the plate and always gluten-free!
I am taking advantage of this article to include a comment that we received and which touched me:
“When it’s done with so much heart, it’s definitely good for your health.”