A story of mission
Citron confit is above all the story of Gabrielle, its founder. It is a story of resilience in the face of a reactive body, a body in pain. It is also an impromptu encounter with allergies, when eating had always been synonymous with simple and pure pleasure.
Gabrielle's story is a special love story , one that is rarely talked about. It is a story of love for oneself, where one chooses oneself as an individual, to begin this path towards healing.
It is with this desire that she embarks on this adventure of leaving her career as a lawyer to fulfill herself through entrepreneurship at Bic. Motivated, she gives herself body and soul to develop products. Each bite of bread and pastries is the expression of a winding path, which we all take, and which leads us to our own healing.
A story of love and sharing
Once she has chosen herself, Gabrielle wants to share. Her culinary discoveries, but also her story. She works hard and develops a range of unique products, breaking the isolation that some people experience through food, so that we can all eat, in symbiosis with our taste buds.
For Gabrielle, love is hidden in sharing her experience, but also sharing it with those close to her.
“Nothing makes me happier than sharing a dessert with my children and my boyfriend. Recipes that I have learned to modify, so that we can all eat the same thing.”
A bite of perseverance
It is with great gentleness that she shared her passion with the entire team . Her desire to share and love radiate. The atmosphere of the workshop is felt. It is with the intention of creating products that are good for everyone, synonymous with sharing, that we create every day. With our rigor, you will not be sick. And with our perseverance, you will be in paradise in every bite.
This loop of softness
Every day, we feed off our customers' comments. These comments allow us to improve, to grow. But also, from these messages that embody happiness.
It was with a warm heart that we received Joanie's comment:
“I tasted your baguettes and my god they taste like heaven! It had been two years since I had such good baguettes. I didn't think I would have this chance again. Thank you for your great work and dedication to the vegan and gluten-free lifestyle.”
Thank you so much for your words of love, so sweet. This love goes straight to our hearts and it is with an immense privilege that we transfer it every day into your breads!