Receive without allergens, without stress, without compromise!

Receive without allergens, without stress, without compromise!

Welcoming someone with allergies is often a headache when you don't live with them on a daily basis. There are several tips that can help you lower your stress level to enjoy the moment.

Simplify your life

Obviously, if you cook everything yourself, you will have an easier time knowing all the ingredients that make up the meal. By starting with fresh, minimally processed foods, you avoid the headache of checking each label meticulously. Packet sauces, among other things, often hide traces of gluten or lactose.

Make your menu simple (but not boring). Having a clear idea of ​​what you have to do makes it easier to have a game plan.

Being an ally to the allergic person

The allergic person who is received also experiences stress, very often. We often have the impression of disturbing our allergic guest with our questions, but on the contrary! Involve her in your process, she will be able to help you avoid the pitfalls related to her allergy.

If you buy ready-made products, keep the packaging and labels so she can check the ingredients if she has any doubts.

Also provide utensils for each condiment or plate to avoid possible cross-contamination. It is often better to have a new jar if you are unsure of possible contamination.

A menu without allergens


We listed some festive ideas in our blog post last week. In addition to these few ideas, we can think of the classic soup. Without drawing on grandma's recipes, the soup ideas are endless. Bet on interesting garnishes to add interest or decorate your flight. We can think of a flavored oil, pumpkin seeds, fresh herbs, etc. Serve with a good crouton of our sunflower-pumpkin bread .

Main course

Why deprive yourself of the classics! The traditional turkey accompanied by gluten-free stuffing will please everyone.

The ideal in this scenario is to make your own sauce from the cooking juices (without adding flour if you have a gluten allergy). As a side dish, you can simply make a large sheet pan of mixed roasted vegetables so that everyone can eat something they like.


The favorite portion of Christmas Eve! Try our decadent chocolate beetroot cake recipe. Let yourself go wild with the decoration by adding red berries on top, or the classic little plastic trees salvaged from Christmas logs of years past.

Since it's not the season for compromise, why not pair the cake with our vegan ice cream recipe?

Enjoy it, above all!

With these few tips and ideas, no more reason to stress about your New Year's Eve! Good planning and simple ingredients will allow you to get ahead and be more relaxed to enjoy your loved ones.

What are your best tips for avoiding allergens without compromising on taste? Share your ideas on our Facebook page.